Mid-Island and Pacific Rim Branch of the National Association of Federal Retirees ​

Please Volunteer – we need your help.
In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy. 

..–Karl Reiland 

Message from the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Nanaimo & Area Branch.
Our Board of Directors (Executive Committee, as you will), needs volunteers to step
forward and help continue the fine tradition of this Branch.
We are seeking individuals with basic (or better) computer skills; the ability to work as a member of a Team; and be able to provide approximately 2 hours per month (except July & August) at Board meetings and assistance at our General Meetings ( 4 per year). Snowbirds are most welcome as we work around any commitments volunteers may have.

If you would prefer to assist on a part-time basis, or project to project, that would be valuable to the various Directors.

We all volunteer with the “make a difference” attitude that so defines our involvement. Please join us at any of our Board meetings to observe the Branch in action.

We currently need:

Secretary – Records and distributes minutes from Branch and Branch executive meetings, manages Branch correspondence.
Director – Membership. To assist Vic Ashdown in tracking down “missing” members.
Director at Large To assist as needed.
Nominations Committee Chair

Phone Captains and Phoners – We currently have 8 phone captains that manage 8- 10 phoners each. Phoners contact every Branch member prior to a meeting which are held up to 3 times a year. This job requires 1-2 hours 3 times a year.


For further information please contact the President: email: rick.roberts@shaw.ca; or by telephone at
250-248-7171 or use the contact form below to contact the Membership Director

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