Time: Doors open 10:00 AM, Business meeting starts at 11:00 AM.
Note: There is no cost to attend the meeting.
Program: Rick Roberts
Luncheon: Roast Beef luncheon
Reservations/Cancellations: Reservations will be online. National office will send an email with a link to the reservation form. If you have indicated that you do not wish to be contacted by email your local Federal Retirees volunteer will phone you to ask whether you plan to attend the luncheon.
NOTE – If you receive the email but are reluctant to click on the registration link then please phone Jim Gahr, 250 585-3125 if you plan to attend and if you want the meal.
To cancel, please call Jim Gahr, 250 585-3125 no later than Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Name Tags will be available at the door for all members attending the March AGM and luncheon. Remember to leave them at the door when you leave after the meeting/luncheon. If your name tag from the last meeting had spelling errors, please contact Christine Walker 250-754-4031